game name |
cards |
variations |
score card |
system |
Additional information card |
12A-162 |
Balls per Game inserts (early version) |
12D-1-XX |
Balls per Game and Plays per coin |
Coils warning card |
12D-165 |
switch 8 |
M-100 |
Coils warning card |
12D-165-1 |
switch 33 |
M-200 |
Coin credits adjustment |
12A-157 |
M-100 |
Coin credits adjustment |
12D-STD-228 |
Credit Display Test card |
not numbered |
Danger High Voltage label |
used on the HV-Shield of the Sol. Driver board |
Flipper Jumper card |
12A-B-432-FJ |
Fuse label (power supply) |
12A-167 |
Fuse label (power supply) |
MPU-200 |
M-200 |
Fuse label |
12A-181 |
1/4A (Slo-Blo) |
Fuse label |
12A-182 |
1A (Slo-Blo) |
Game adjustments card |
12A-156 |
M-100 |
Ground Return card |
12D-162-1 |
Ground Strap |
12D-198-1 |
High Score to Date insert |
12D-197-xx |
High Voltage Fuse Removed |
Inspection label |
example |
Self Test card (MPU-100) |
12A-154 |
Self Test card (MPU-200) |
12D-154-1 |
Serial number label |
example |
can be adjusted to match your game number (send me an email) |
Score cards (early version) |
12D-1-XX |
Score cards (white version) |
12D-2-XX |
score cards, extra ball, special, high score to date, match inserts. |
Score cards (black version) |
12D-3-XX |
score cards, extra ball, special, high score to date, match inserts. |
Transformer card |
12D-153 |
16B-3 |
Transformer card |
12B-16B-6L |
Transformer wrapper |
16B-6 transformer |
extra notice with special thanks to Mark Anderson |
Various High Voltage labels |
Ali |
12C-2-119 |
22-23-23A |
M-200 |
self test
display numbers |
12C-264-7 |
assignments |
12C-266-7 |
Tech Chart |
Big Game |
12B-2-121 |
21-22-22A-23-23A |
M-200 |
self test display numbers |
12C-264-6 |
assignments |
12D-266-6 |
assignments |
12D-266-6 |
other version |
Tech Chart |
Catacomb |
12B-2-147 |
22, 22-German |
12D-SC-2-34 |
M-200 |
assignments |
12B-266-17 |
Tech Chart |
Cheetah |
12C-2-116 |
22-22A |
M-200 |
Tech Chart |
Princess |
12B-2-111 |
needed |
M-100 |
Princess (alternate version) |
12B-2-111 |
needed |
M-100 |
Tech Chart |
M-100 |
Cue |
M-200 |
Disco |
12B-2-100 |
1 thru 20, 1A thru 20A, missing 2 and 2A |
EM |
Dracula |
12B-2-109 |
22-22A-23-23A-24-24A |
12D-1-34 |
M-100 |
Tech Chart |
Dragon Fist |
1 unknown |
12D-SC-2-34 |
M-200 |
assignments |
Tech Chart |
Flight 2000 |
12B-2-128 |
22-22A |
M-200 |
assignments |
12B-266-12 |
Tech Chart |
Freefall |
12B-2-134 |
22-22A-23-25 |
M-200 |
test functions & coin settings |
solenoid and switch identification |
assignments |
Tech Chart |
Galaxy |
12B-2-114 |
22-22A-23-23A-24-24A-25 |
M-200 |
test display numbers |
12C-264-5 |
assignments |
12D-266-5 |
Tech Chart |
Hot Hand |
12B-112 |
22-22A-24 |
M-100 |
adjustments |
12C-266-2 |
original image |
self test
display numbers |
original image |
Tech Chart |
Iron Maiden |
English, German |
M-200 |
assignments |
Tech Chart |
Lectronamo |
12B-2-105 |
23, 23A, 24, 24A, 25 |
12D-1-33A |
M-100 |
Tech Chart |
Lightning |
12B-2-126 |
22, 22A, bonus time |
M-200 |
self test display numbers |
12D-264-14 |
assignments |
Tech Chart |
Magic |
12B-2 |
23-23A-24-24A |
M-100 |
adjustments |
12C-266-3 |
self test display numbers |
12C-266-3 |
Tech Chart |
Memory Lane |
12B-2-104 |
23-23A-24-24A |
M-100 |
adjustments |
12C-232 |
high score award adjustment |
12C-233 |
self test display numbers |
12C-230, 231 |
Tech Chart |
Meteor |
12B-2-113 |
22-22A-23-23A-24-24A, Dutch |
M-200 |
test display numbers |
12C-264-4 |
assignments |
12D-266-4 |
Tech Chart |
Nine Ball |
12B-2-125 |
1-22-22A-23-23A-24-24A-25-25A-26-26A-27-27A-28-28A-29-29A |
12D-SC-2-79 |
M-200 |
self test functions & coin settings |
12C-264-12 |
solenoid and switch identification |
assignments |
Tech Chart |
Nugent |
12B-2-108 |
22, 22A, 23, 23A, 24, 24A |
M-100 |
test display numbers |
12C-249 |
Tech Chart |
Orbitor 1 |
English, German |
M-200 |
test functions & coin settings |
solenoid and switch identification |
assignments |
Tech Chart |
Pinball |
12B-2-101 |
20-20A-21, various score cards 1 thru 19A |
M-100 |
high score award adjustment |
12A-155 |
test display numbers |
12A-xxx |
Tech Chart |
Quick Silver |
12B-2-121 |
M-200 |
self test display numbers |
assignments |
12D-266-10 |
light board
template |
special thanks to Mike Lund |
Tech Chart |
Seawitch |
12B-2-123 |
22-22A-22(blue) |
12D-SC-2-75 |
M-200 |
test display numbers |
12A-264-8 |
assignments |
12D-266-8 |
Tech Chart |
Split Second |
12B-2-144 |
22A |
M-200 |
Tech Chart |
Stampede / Stampede |
L-104, L-105, L-106, L-107, L-109, L-1105, L-129 and more |
EM |
Star Gazer |
12B-2-127 |
22A-24-24A- |
12D-SC-4-33 |
M-200 |
test switch identification chart |
self test
display numbers |
12C-264-11 |
assignments |
12C-266-11 |
Tech Chart |
Stars |
12B-2-103 |
1 thru 24 and 1A thru 24A, missing 10, 10A, 18, 18A |
M-100 |
test display numbers |
12A-187 |
adjustments |
12A-188 |
high score award adjustment |
12A-189 |
Tech Chart |
Stingray |
12B-2-102 |
20, 20A, 21, 21A and various score cards (also used on Pinball) |
M-100 |
Tech Chart |
Trident |
12B-2-110 |
22-23-23A-24-24A |
12D-1-33 |
M-100 |
adjustments |
12C-244-1 |
test display numbers |
number missing |
Tech Chart |
Viper |
1 unknown |
M-200 |
(Preliminairy) Tech Chart |
lamp information needed…. |
Wild Fyre |
12B-2-106 |
22-22A-23-23A-24-24A |
12D-1-34 |
M-100 |
Tech Chart |